Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Steamed Prawns 蒸虾

The trip to Sekinchan was a blast. I repacked the one kilo prawns I bought to 3 little packs, and I cooked with 3 different methods.

Steam is my most preferred way to deal with fresh prawns.

2 tsp ginger juice
2 tsp of sugar + dash of pepper + pinch of salt

1o medium size prawns
1 egg + 1 cup of water ( 1: 1 ratio to egg)

2 stalks of coriander leaves + 1 bird's eye chili (chopped)

Dash of pepper
Pinch of salt & 2-3 tsp of ginger juice
Shaoxing Wine 绍兴酒

1.)Clean the prawns by slitting the back with a pair of scissors. Marinate the prawns for 30 mins.

2.)Break egg in a bowl & add in water (ratio 1 : 1). Whisk the egg together with the condiments.

3.)Pour the egg mixture into a not so shallow metal plate. Lay the prawns on the plate as per shown in the pic.

4.)Fill up the wok with 1/3 of water, bring water to boil. Reduce heat to simmer, place the plate into the wok, covered it

Very Important tip : to produce silky smooth consistency of the egg, make sure to leave a gap. To make it easy, you may detach the cover from touching the wok with a pair of chopsticks.

5.)Steam for 8-10 minutes until the prawns are cooked while the consistency of the egg becomes silky smooth like tofu.

6.) Sprinkle chopped bird’s eye chili and garnish with coriander leaves. Add few drop of Shaoxing Wine 绍兴酒 before serving.

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